Tuesday, March 24, 2009

lyf of a Joker...

All the world's a stage, and all the men women merely players...they have their
exits and their entrances... - William Shakespeare, 17th century

The Joker will always make you laugh... thats why he is here... thats his act...his lyf...his destiny... he has never put himself first while playing his part... it doesnt matter whether you laugh with him or at him... it matters you laugh... may be he is just stupid, may be he is not, may be he really is... I leave it on you ?? While in the perfect world everybody wants to play either a braveheart hero or a dark cunning villian, only the Joker hangs on... he is undecided... deep down he was never bad, never the villian, he can never pull it off... being the good guy was always easy for him, but if everybody plays the Hero, who will play the Joker... who will make you laugh...?? nobody knows, but everybody needs a Joker to laugh at, I mean everybody... yes, the Joker plays on...

He never knows the scene, may be he doesnt want to... but still, you will surely laugh... and later you may also be horrified or rather clap when the villian or hero (there's always a thin line ?!) gets the gal in the end... still the Joker wont flinch, may be you will never know... the Joker will laugh... will always laugh... because thats all he does... because thats all he is supposed to do...
Now the stage is all set....the script is already written...I have chosen my part...I PLAY THE JOKER..!!!

Sometimes jokes are not funny, I still try... - ~crazymms~, 21st


Vishal Kamani said...

excellent personification...good use of language...self sattirical i must say.dark humour u c...best one ever..leads to self introspection of my character in life....keep writin...keep rockin..

bomzie said...

nice one man. scary too.